posted on Monday, July 27, 2020 in AMVC Employee Blog
As a college student going into my fourth year, I know how difficult it can be to find a summer internship. What do you want to do all summer? Where would you live? Will it help prepare you for your future? But this summer I had a new question; have you ever worked with swine before?
If you’re like me, then the answer to that question is no. However, this summer while working as AMVC’s public relations intern, I had the chance to have a hands-on experience in the swine industry. Here are my top three tips to be a successful AMVC intern.
1. Willingness to learn is essential
Having little background experience with pigs, I had no idea what my first day would bring. Before entering the barn, I went through trainings that taught me how to keep myself, co-workers, and pigs safe. I then went through the Pork Quality Assurance certification process and once I passed the test, I started my time at the sow farm. The crew I worked with was very experienced and were incredibly willing to answer my questions and taught me the everyday life within the sow barn. I was able to help with daily care working along side with other team members. Everyone at AMVC wants you to be successful, so they
provide multiple resources that will train and teach you about proper animal husbandry.
2. Teamwork really does make the dream work
A good team is vital when professionally raising pigs. Everyone is trying to meet a goal whether that be reaching the farm’s breeding or farrowing target or hoping to one day become a farm manager. Being a dependable team member will help you excel during your time as an AMVC intern.
3. Dive right in
During my time with AMVC I worked both in the management service office and within multiple barns. While working in the office I had the chance to use creative software that I hadn’t experienced before and helped with developing educational resources. In the barns I learned how to sleeve a sow, help with the weaning process, and artificially inseminate a sow. The swine industry is very diverse. AMVC was more than happy to let me participate in various sides of pig farming.
This summer has been one for the books. Between traveling to Wyoming and Indiana to laughing with co-workers, this internship was a great capstone for me to finish my college career on. I can now answer the question “Have you ever worked with pigs before?” with a big yes, can you?

- internship
- swine